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The coast of Selinunte, Sentry Porto Palo di Menfi, from June to August, it is the best choice you can make, thanks to its climate eccellentee to good food, locations are always very welcoming, the sea and the sun always warm. If requested our guides will accompany you to discover the archaeological beauties, landscapes and wineries of Valle del Belice.

The archaeological park of Selinunte

The Archaeological Park of Selinunte is today considered the most extensive and impressive in Europe: stretches for 1740 square kilometers and includes numerous temples, shrines and altars. The temples of Selinunte are built according to the canons of the Doric order, the oldest Greek architectural style, whose main features are simplicity and essentiality, which give a sense of order and divine immortality, as opposed to the transience and the chaos of the sensible world.


Valley of the Temples in Agrigento

The Valley of the Temples archaeological area of ​​Sicily characterized by the exceptional state of preservation and a series of important Doric temples of the Hellenistic period. It corresponds to the ancient Akragas, monumental nucleus of the city of Agrigento. Since 1997 he has been included in the Wold Heritage drawn up by UNESCO. With its 1300 hectares, it is the largest archaeological site in the world.

Florio Winery

Visit the Cantine Florio, wine production house of the oldest in Sicily, producers of Marsala wine, It means taking a dip in a land rich in history, passing through places that hosted celebrities such as Giuseppe Garibaldi, but also means entering a world craftsmanship and contemporary soul intense, unusual and valuable.


Egad Islands

Baie emerald, white houses with blue doors, hidden caves and rocky coasts. at EgadiArchipelago of three islands and two large rocks not far from Trapani, untouched nature reigns supreme.


black cliffs of lava rock overlooking the sea, vineyards and malvasia raisins, Middle Eastern and African flavors air. Pantelleria is all a dark play of colors and contrasts (due to its volcanic), Cobalt blue waters and rocky landscapes. Here the Arabs have lived two centuries (800 to 1000 A.D.), leaving traces of their passage a little 'everywhere: in the architecture dammusi (Typical houses of Pantelleria lava stone and white domed roofs), in the names of countries, as Karuscia, Khamma and Mueggen, or agricultural terraces cultivated with capers.


Scala dei Turchi

La Scala dei Turchi, a living cliff-shaped staircase consists of a spur of prominent white marl sea, whose degrading groundwater layer to give it a strong sense of atmosphere, accentuated, in turn, strong color contrasts when you consider all ' blue sea and sky contrasted with the blinding white of the rock.


A site featuring an unforgettable beauty Erice, ancient city Phoenician and Greekperched at 751 m high on the mountain of the same name, crowned by a triangular plateau to a terrace overlooking the sea. Defended by ramparts and walls, the city is a maze of narrow cobbled streets and passageways so narrow to allow the passage of one man. The houses, lockouts to each other, have pretty and manicured courtyards, defended and protected from view of passers-by so that family life is conducted in complete privacy.


the Saline

It 'also a Special Protection Area. The Oasis area is 986 hectares. A journey through the tanks, canals, windmills, beams; a play of colors at sunset are the most beautiful in the Mediterranean. Walking along the canals of the salt pans of Trapani, the only audible sounds are the waves of the sea ...

Calatafimi - Segesta

Four kilometers from Calatafimi, on Mount Barbaro, about 400 meters above sea level, is one of the most beautiful places in all of Sicily, Segesta. Visiting it in April of 1787 as Goethe described his Doric temple: <<At the end of a long and wide valley, isolated on the top of a hill and surrounded by perpendicular together, dominates far wide expanse of land, but only a short stretch of water.


The old trap of Scopello

The trap of Scopello It is one of the most important and ancient of all Sicily; It was built no earlier than the thirteenth century and greatly expanded by Sanclemente family during the XV and XVI. He then passed to the Society of Jesus and finally to the Florio family.

Some services

Bike rent

Bike rent

Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi

Organic Garden

Organic Garden

Relax in the family

Relax in the family

Pets Friendly

Pets Friendly


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